German Astronaut Alexander Gerst to command Justin from in ISS in August
NASA Astronaut Scott Tingle works with Rollin’ Justin from the ISS
SUPVIS Justin ISS session #2 set for March 2, 2018
19th November 2014, by Dr. Daniel Leidner
SUPVIS-JUSTIN at the Humanoids Conference

Humanoid robots, human-robot interaction, supervised autonomy, and on top of that space exploration – It’s Humanoids time for the SUPVIS-JUSTIN team!
We are taking part in the International Conference on Humanoid Robots in Madrid this week. Yesterday our principal investigator Dr. Neal Y. Lii gave a talk on the overview of the SUPVIS-JUSTIN experiment at the workshop on “Humanoid Robotics Trends in ESA Space Programs” [slides].
Our co-investigator, Daniel Leidner, presented our approach on supervised autonomy at the workshop on “How to Make Best Use of a Human Supervisor for Semi-Autonomous Humanoid Operation” [slides]. The prototype of our Human-Robot Interface was presented today by our tablet interface architect, Peter Birkenkampf, during the Interactive Session [slides].
We have received enthusiastic response from the community on the project during all three presentations. We want to thank the conference and workshop organizers for giving us the opportunity to present our work and share our findings with the community.
The slides are now available for download in our media base. You can also contact us for further information on SUPVIS-JUSTIN.