German Astronaut Alexander Gerst to command Justin from in ISS in August
NASA Astronaut Scott Tingle works with Rollin’ Justin from the ISS
SUPVIS Justin ISS session #2 set for March 2, 2018
03rd October 2014, by Dr. Daniel Leidner
SUPVIS-JUSTIN at the ICHR Workshop on “Humanoid robotics trends in ESA space programs”

Screenshot taken from www.humanoids2014.com
We are looking forward to introduce the SUPVIS-JUSTIN experiment within the METERON Program at the 2014 IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots during the Workshop on Humanoid robotics trends in ESA space programs.
The Workshop is initiated by Dr. Guillermo Ortega (ESA), Dr. Javier Ventura-Traveset (ESA), and Prof. Carlos Balaguer (University Carlos III of Madrid).
Stay tuned! We will provide you with the slides after the Workshop.